How we can work together

Oliver can help with your editorial and copywriting needs, in whatever form they take. He can work with in-house teams, or act as a micro-agency taking on larger projects, working to completion in any media from reports and white papers to live audience facilitation and roundtable discussions.

His services are outlined below. If you want an in-person meeting or a phone or Zoom conversation, please get in touch or view some of his featured work.

Magazine & newspaper features

Website content writing

Book writing

Book editing

Brochure and report copywriting

Brand copywriting

Tone of voice

TV, radio & video copy

Case studies & interviews

Business & cultural blogging

Public and business facilitation

Editing and publishing

Chair & keynote speaker

Thought leadership

Sectors and sources

  • Oliver has had extensive experience writing and editing in the art and design field, contributing to a lot of specialist design magazines from Creative Review as contributing editor, Design Week, Sunday Times Home section, Sunday Times Style, Times Saturday Magazine house style section, Elle Decoration, Homes and Gardens, BBC Homes and Antiques, Radio Times, Arts Quarterly and many more. He has had a column in Grand Designs magazine, written for galleries and institutions including Whitechapel Gallery, Oxford University, and written a book for Commissions East.

    He has taken part in gallery talks at London art galleries inc Tate Britain, The Whitechapel Gallery, Lift festival and The British Museum and copywriting for several culture-industry clients including Tate.

  • Oliver has undertaken business writing for clients, through PR companies and marketing departments, including white papers, reports, LinkedIn and Medium pages, and advertorials – and a lot of editorial for business publications

  • In editorial terms, Oliver has been travel editor of The Independent on Sunday, working extensively for the Telegraph (including as travel news editor), and has supplied countless pieces to the Guardian, Observer, Daily Mail, Express and most British national newspapers and many magazines.

    He has been involved in travel publishing including presenting a CD-Rom on London for a French publisher and writing two Lonely Planet books, as well as copywriting and blogging for major travel clients from Eurostar to Scott Dunn, and many stories for hotel magazines including St Regis and Doyle’s.

  • Oliver has done a lot of work in the architecture, design and property sectors – He has written for websites, articles, columns and project write-ups for architects - including Theis + Khan, Wilkinson Eyre, Roger Zogolovitch and others –including design and access statements for planning applications.

    He has worked for conservation charity the 20th Century Society, and written a column in the Landscape Institute magazine.

    For property, Oliver has edited magazines for clients including for agents and developers, from Chesterton Humberts and Savills to The Linton Group. Writing journalistic stories about projects, products and new homes for very many outlets from Homes & Gardens, Elle Decoration, Grand Designs and many more.

  • Oliver has worked in education and has taught journalism on MA courses at University College Falmouth as well as University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in Epsom (BA and MA), the journalism course at Brunel University, as well as jobs for American universities including Syracuse and Boston. He has written for many charities from Plant Life and Friends of the Earth, edited publishing material at Shelter and edited a magazine for Age Concern called Heyday.

  • Oliver has worked for several public relations companies including Borkowski, Persuasion and the destination management companies for Lincolnshire, Cheshire and the North-West Development Agency via GDPR designing press trips and leading publications. He has taken on several accounts in his own right, including for several artists and the recruitment agency Engaging Minds.

  • Reportage and feature writing has been a huge and enjoyable part of Oliver’s working life. He has written for all manner of newspapers on all manner of subjects: The Sunday Times, The Times, The Independent, The Independent on Sunday, The I, The Guardian, The Observer, the New European – indeed, most British national newspapers and some US ones.

  • Oliver is a writer and like many writers, also an editor. He began by doing sub-editing shifts on newspapers and magazines and since his early career, has edited sections in several newspapers and magazines from Creative Review to Design Week, the Financial Times’ Business Magazine, the Express Saturday Magazine, the Sunday Times magazine, Noble Caledonia’s magazine Odyssey, the London Business School magazine, Heyday magazine for Age Concern and many more.

    He currently edits the only paper for the London district of Clerkenwell, the EC1 Echo, and is also currently employed part-time as Comment Editor on the Daily Express.